• I sure am! Actually, I’m writing two books right now. Both are Christian non-fiction. One is on the topic of faith, and the other is on the topics of justice and mercy.

  • I do not.

    Funny thing — in order to successfully release a book (and actually sell copies), you have to have first amassed a surprisingly large number of people who have expressed interest in buying your book. The old “if you build it, they will come” expression doesn’t hold water in the publishing industry, and it certainly doesn’t land you a publishing deal.

    I hope to publish my first book no later than 2025, and I’d really love to go the traditional publishing route. To do that, however, I’ll need to be able to prove to potential publishers that people (preferably not just my parents) want to read my book.

    That being said, if you’re interested in reading one of the books I hope to publish, please subscribe! You’ll be helping me out tremendously, and potentially, opening the door to bigger and far better publishing opportunities than I could bring about on my own!