Let’s Be Real
A space for honest, thoughtful discussions about the Bible, Christianity, and everyday life with real-world application for real people like you and me.
Renovations, Religion, and the Finished Work of Jesus
Where religion says, “You have to fix this,” or, “There’s nothing really to be fixed,” Jesus tells us something different…
In a Mirror Dimly, But Then Face to Face
The Apostle Paul liked his mysteries, to be sure. But some of his mysterious sayings are less mysterious when we understand the context…
Wannabe Butterflies & Fake Faith
Caterpillars that become butterflies look just like caterpillars that don’t up until that transformation either does or doesn’t take place. The same can be true with real Christians versus fakes…
Does God Want Me to Feel Bad about My Sins?
Romans 8:1 is a great verse to have memorized, when the context is understood. Without context, however, it can lead to a very unhealthy way of dealing with our sins…